Windsor Park, Deer Feeding
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Windsor Park, Deer Feeding

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W. H. Nicholl


Windsor Park, Deer Feeding

From the album The Photographic Album for the Year 1857

May 1854
Albumen silver print
Overall: 15.7 × 21.9 cm (6 3/16 × 8 5/8 in.)
Image: 14.9 × 20.9 cm (5 7/8 × 8 1/4 in.)
Inscriptions (printed on facing page): Windsor Park, Deer feeding. / PHOTOGRAPHED

Away! our journey lies through dell and dingle, /
Where the blythe fawn trips by its timid mother, /
Where the broad oak with intercepting boughs /
Chequers the sunbeam in the green-sward alley. /

Ettrick Forest.

TAKEN on Collodion, May, 1854; weather, rather foggy; Exposure two / minutes; developed with Pyrogallic Acid.

Lens by Goddart; focal length thirteen inches ; diameter three and a quarter / inches; Diaphragm three quarters of an inch.

Printed in the ordinary way by W. H. Nicholl.
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